IED licensing / Permitting

Traynor Environmental Ltd support a client through all stages of the Licence application, from initiating contact with the EPA, through to project scoping, baseline studies, impact assessment, and determining of emission rates. We complete all licence documentation and submit on behalf of a client to the EPA.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the competent authority for granting and enforcing Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) licences for specified industrial and agriculture activities listed in the first schedule to the Environmental Protection Agency Acts, 1992 to 2011.

In summary the categories of industry coming within the scope of IPPC licensing are:

 Minerals and Other Materials



 Mineral Fibres and Glass


 Intensive Agriculture (poultry and pigs)

 Food and Drink

 Wood, Paper, Textiles and Leather

 Fossil Fuels


 Waste (recovery or disposal in a facility connected or associated with an IPPC activity)

 Surface Coatings

 Other Activities (includes testing of engines, manufacture of printed circuit boards, production of lime in a kiln and manufacture of ceramic products)

Some of the classes are subject to thresholds.  Any person carrying on an activity that is below a threshold must ensure that they do not exceed that threshold without first obtaining an IPPC licence.