Percolation Tests (Site Suitability Assessments)
Need a percolation test, site assessment, test holes? Traynor Environmental offer Site Suitability Assessments or more commonly known as ‘Percolation Tests’ to EPA code of practice 2009 standard for planning applications and upgrades of existing Septic tanks and wastewater treatment systems.
This test should be completed before purchase or installation of a sewage treatment system so that the suitability of the site and soil can be assessed for sub-surface irrigation and effluent disposal. However, other factors should also be taken into account, for example, local knowledge about ground conditions, water table levels and seasonal variations.
Our qualified Engineers are fully insured Insurance and have completed the EPA/FAS ‘Site Suitability On-Site Wastewater’ course for on-site waste water treatment systems.
A percolation (permeability) test assesses the hydraulic assimilation capacity of the subsoil i.e. the length of time for the water level in the percolation hole to drop by a specified amount. The objective of the percolation test is to determine the ability of the subsoil to hydraulically transmit the treated effluent from the treatment system, through the subsoil to groundwater. The test also gives an indication of the likely residence time of the treated effluent in the upper subsoil layers and therefore it provides an indication of the ability of the subsoil to treat the residual pollutants contained in the treated effluent.
All site assessments carried out in accordance with EPA Code of Practice Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems serving single houses 2009. Traynor Environmental Ltd are fully trained as EPA Assessors and are fully FETAC approved ‘Site suitability assessments for On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems’.
Traynor Environmental Ltd are on the approved assessors on the following County Councils authorised to implement the EPA Code of Practice – Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses – October 2009. Leitrim County Council, Louth County Council, Meath County Council, Kildare County Council, Westmeath County Council, Kilkenny County Council
Traynor Environmental Ltd also carry out site suitability assessments where a panel is not in operation such as Cavan, Fingal County Council, South Dublin County Council, Galway County Council.
We have full insurance cover in place to give our customers peace of mind while we are working on their properties.
Our reports are very detailed and include full EPA Code of Practice Site Assessment report, desk study, maps, O.S map showing local features, digital photographs of the test in progress. All reports have drawings showing the proposed location of sewage treatment system and soil polishing filters. These drawings will be easy to follow for individuals involved in the construction stage of the waste water system during civil & installation works. While the majority of our testing is undertaken for customers seeking new planning permission applications for new builds or home extensions, this is also a valuable service available to people who are interested in upgrading an existing septic tank system that is not up to the proper standards. We offer an excellent professional service at a fair price.
Site Assessments
It is essential in the interests of public health to ensure the safe disposal of wastewater from a development. A site assessment will determine whether or not a particular site can achieve this. In all cases where an application involves a proposal to use a septic tank or other on-site treatment system, a site assessment is required. Applicants must carry out a site assessment in advance of making a planning application.
There are five key elements in the assessment:
A desk study to provide information on soils, geology and groundwater vulnerability
A field visit to look at site drainage, vegetation, levels, housing density, water uses in the area.
Trial hole to check the depth and type of sub-soils and depth to water table. If the trial hole indicates poor subsoil permeability- there may be little point in proceeding to the percolation test and/or application for planning permission
Percolation testing (P/T tests). These tests determine the soil’s ability to filter and move the wastewater. A “T” test is normally done at 800mm below ground level, which is about the level where the pipe from the wastewater system enters the ground. A “P” test is undertaken on sites with shallow soils, at 400mm below ground level. The same test hole dimensions are used, and the same test procedure.
Recommendation on a wastewater treatment option. A good assessor will include a full wastewater treatment design with a cross section showing where the pipework enters the soil polishing filter.
The cost of the assessment should be agreed with the site assessor. Ideally, a cost could be negotiated for each part of the assessment described. This allows the applicant to decide whether or not to proceed to a full site assessment, and a full planning application. This approach should be agreed before starting any part of a site assessment. The fee does not include digging the holes. A desk study, together with the experience of the assessor, will indicate a site that is unlikely to pass the assessment. It is more appropriate to spend a smaller fee on this advice, than a larger fee on a full report for a failed site.
Some sites cannot be made suitable to ensure the safe disposal of wastewater from a development. Both treatment and disposal of wastewater is required. One or other, (or both), may be a problem. This may be due to a number of reasons, including poor draining soils or groundwater use for drinking. The site assessment is a risk assessment. The assessor must identify the potential targets at risk, when wastewater is produced on site. This includes the risk of ponding (with impeded drainage), the risk of contamination of groundwater, and the risk of run off to surface water drains and rivers. Ultimately, the decision on the site suitability rests with the planning authority. The site must be capable of providing adequate treatment within the site and dispersion of the total water volume arising in the development. Outfall to surface waters (drains and rivers) is not permitted.

Wastewater Treatment for Single Houses
What is wastewater and where does it go?
What is wastewater?
Who should install the treatment system?
Can the wastewater treatment be under the driveway?
How often do I have to de-sludge the system?
What about rainwater and roof water?
Which treatment system should I use?
It is important to check the track record of the proposed system, to ensure its performance is adequate. Do not select a unit on the basis of cost only, or on the basis of the salesperson’s promises. Ask the wastewater treatment supplier where other similar systems are located. Treatment systems vary in terms of their operating costs, maintenance requirements, pumping requirements, emptying frequency etc.
Do I need a maintenance agreement?
Where can I get more information?
Traynor Environmental Ltd are on the approved assessors on the following County Councils authorised to implement the EPA Code of Practice – Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses – October 2009.
Leitrim County Council
Louth County Council
Meath County Council
Monaghan County Council
Kildare County Council
Westmeath County Council
Kilkenny County Council
Traynor Environmental Ltd also carry out site suitability assessments where a panel is not in operation such as:
Fingal County Council
South Dublin County Council
Galway County Council.