Bund / Tank Integrity Assessments
Bund Integrity Testing is carried out to comply with EPA and Local Authorities who require this testing to be carried out every three years and also to ensure that the bunds themselves continue to provide protection for the vessels and tanks contained in them.
Traynor Environmental Ltd can provide both a visual inspection and a water retention test. The water retention test involves filling the bund to a certain level and then measuring the drop in level over a period of time normally seven days.
Assessments are done in accordance with the following:
1. British standard BS8007:1987 – Design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids.
2. CIRCA report 163 – Construction of bunds for oil storage tanks.
3. EPA’s IPPC Guidance Note on the Storage and Transfer of Materials for Scheduled Activities.
Traynor Environmental can provide a complete package which would involve the visual inspection, bund integrity assessment, preparation of bund matrix and completion of all reports to the satisfaction of the EPA or Local Authority.